Bullet AI
Case Studies
Our thoughts and insight around digital transformation, application development & business efficiency
Business Efficiency
Digital Transformation
Tech & Security
User Experience
Business Efficiency, Development
Life as an Apprentice at Bullet Digital Solutions
I'm Jodie, and I've been an apprentice here at Bullet Digital Solutions for over a year now doing software testing. Here is my journey as an apprentice and the importance of software testing.
Business Efficiency, Digital Transformation, Tech & Security
COVID-19 and remote working practices
Bullet are past masters of what it means to operate a distributed remote workforce. Here they provide their insight and advice for other companies
Business Efficiency, Digital Transformation
An Interview with Temple Legal
After working with Temple for 10 years, we wanted to find out how they'd evolved over that time.
AI, Business Efficiency, User Experience
AI nearly ruined my marriage
Business Efficiency, User Experience
IT Systems Training
This is madness… what are we doing?
Digital Transformation
Functionality Defined by Users, Refined by Users
Business Efficiency
Running your organisation on a spreadsheet
Why it works and more importantly why it doesn’t
Development, User Experience
Contextual Chat
Tech & Security
Login Central
How about if you only had to log in once?
Digital Transformation
Partnering with Outsourcing
The need for fully integrated consultancy.
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